Heather from the Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust sent us news of a perfectly timed new purchase…
We have received much support over the years from the Jean Sainsbury Animal Welfare Trust for which we are grateful. Imagine our delight when we were chosen to be a recipient of a 40th Anniversary Award. We have endless problems with our old vehicles, and sometimes even had to resort to taking taxis to attend sick animals. I sometimes feel someone is looking after us because almost the the same time the award was made, we were notified of a new vehicle that had come into the Gambia that was for sale and the award meant that, most unusually, we were in a position to buy it.
We have called the vehicle ‘Jeannie’ in acknowledgement of the wonderful lady, Jean Sainsbury, whose legacy has helped so many animals across the world. Our sincere thanks to the Trustees who nominated us.